Hey guys, it’s Caleb here with Bailson Accent Walls. I’m excited for today. We’re in a newly remodeled home. It’s been pretty much completely redone. We did a lot of work here besides the accent walls, but I’m excited to show it to you because we get to show you four new accent walls in a fully finished and furnished space. So there’s furniture, it’s been staged and I’m hoping that it gives you guys a good idea of how they look and how the accent walls come out in your own finished home. And I’m hoping it gives you guys some ideas of things you might want to do if you’re doing DIY or if you’re going to have somebody install an accent wall. Just some good ideas of what you might want to do. So let’s start with our first one here in the living room. We did some work around this fireplace previously.
It was here before here with the mantle and then it just had paneling on the back. So what we did, we didn’t even pull off the paneling, we left it there. We actually just painted it dark gray for some nice contrast. And then we cut and measured all of these slats here. And then what we did is we finished them. So we sanded them, we put a coat of a light stain on them and just some oil to make it nice and smooth. So after that we installed them and then we also installed the shiplap here. Also painted the same color as the background just to bring out some nice contrast to the rest of the room. The rest of the room is more of a white theme, and we also made these custom corner pieces that would, rather than having the shiplap come out at a mitt angle on the outside, we created these pieces so that it would tie in with the rest of the wall with the rest of the slats.
So I’m pretty proud of how this turned out. I think it’s actually my favorite accent wall in the home. So yeah, I’m excited about how it turned out. So lemme show you the rest of the accent walls. Alright guys, we’re in the dining room now and I want to quick highlight this. This is a pretty common dining room feature. It’s called a board and Batten, and we just did sort of a half wall so that it could serve as a chair rail and just it’s access, a little accent in your dining room to spruce up your dinner parties. For this one, how we installed it is I did precut all my pieces. I measured just the length from here to the other wall, cut my top and bottom piece, and then I determined the slats based on the height we wanted it to be at.
So I precut all my pieces. We had to pull the base trim off and then we just installed it. It was actually a really quick install and we had to tie it into the base trim over here. We had to kind of do a nice little cut down there and slide the one by four into the base trim. But yeah, that was a pretty quick install. And essentially we did pretty much the same thing over on the other side up against the cabinets, measured and precut all our pieces. Now this is an interesting thing because it’s sort of the same concept but in a unique location. We had a long run of cabinets and the owner wanted to do something interesting with it, so we decided to mirror the other side of the room and put another accent wall over here and we kind of tied it in with the end.
And then I wanted to also show you guys, we did some cabinet work in here and I thought the kitchen turned out really cool. So I kind of quick just wanted to point everything out. We did a custom hood vent here that I thought turned out really nice. We did a nice stain with it. And yeah, that’s a couple accent walls in the kitchen. Okay, so I’m here in the master bedroom with the accent wall piece that we did in here. This was actually featured in a previous video briefly, but I’m excited to show it to you guys now that it’s painted and the room is furnished and it’s nice and clean. So I’m really excited about how this turned out. House flippers have been doing a lot of accent walls in master bedrooms because it’s such a great way to spruce up a room.
It often goes behind the bed just as an accent piece and it just brings an extra flare to the room. So I wanted to talk a little bit about how we did it for the DIYers that are interested. It started with a little hand sketch. It was a very rough sketch. It actually was not precise at all. Just an idea that we had. And we started out by doing the longest pieces first. So it was this one here that goes all to the ground and then this one that also goes all the way to the ground down there. We also did similar to the dining room, we removed the baseboard in this room and we did one long piece across the bottom to patch up some messed up drywall and stuff like that. And it ties in nicely with the accent wall. After that, it sort of just flows so you patch in longer and longer pieces.
So I think the next one we did was this one right here. Actually, no, we did this one and then we ran this one up into it parallel with this piece. So you kind of just go longer piece by longer piece. This whole section was pretty easy to do because it was sort of isolated. So we just did each of those pieces one by one. The process kind of flowed naturally. Yeah, I didn’t worry too much about pre-cutting and prem measuring too much. It was just so much easier to do it piece by piece. And then once we were done, the customer loved it, but they actually were hoping we could do a little bit more work because there was a lot going on this side. But on that side, we hadn’t originally done a couple of those pieces, so they asked for us to sort of balance it out a little bit. So I think we added these pieces here just to show a little bit more going on. By the end of it, they loved it
And I think it turned out great. So this is our last piece here. Alright guys, thanks for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed seeing some accent walls and kind of how they laid out in different areas of the house. We’re going to be posting some more content, so follow us on Instagram and Facebook just to see some more stuff coming out. Comment below if you thought anything was cool or if you had any ideas about your own projects. And if you’re in the Lancaster or surrounding area, we’d love to do a project for you. So visit our website, get in touch with us and let us know if you have any cool ideas that you want to bring to life. Thanks guys. See you.